October 3

🔥 Fire Your Customers! 🔥

You know that customer that drives you mad? The one that is never happy with the work you do and steals all of your time?

I want you to FIRE THEM! 🔥

Now, now, don't do anything rash. I don't mean right this second. I want you to fire them, but I also want you to have the freedom financially to fire them and never look back! It feels good just thinking about.

First, you have to attract new customers that are not like that customer. In fact, you need to attract ideal customers that you actually like working with. Customers that love what you do, they energize you, and they share about you with other people.

Imagine waking up Monday morning EXCITED to serve all your customers. I promise, your ideal customer does exist. You just have to know who you are looking for and how to speak to them.

That is the topic of the next 10 days.

Have you ever wanted to fire a customer? How did it go? Let me know in the comments!

10Tips10Days - Day 1


10tips10days, Attracting Your Ideal Customers, Customer Research, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Small Business, Social Media Marketing, Social Selling

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